Disseminating Moon in Leo: Dramatic

posted in: Disseminating Moon, Leo | 0

Today’s Leo Moon is feeling dramatic. When the Moon reaches 27 Leo this afternoon, we enter the Disseminating phase.

There will be trines to Mars (@ 28) and Eris (@23) in Aries. We want to do something to fix the traumas and injustices of the world. Now. Yesterday. There’ an urgency here, a drive to act.

With the extra orb allowed the Moon, there are trines to Venus (@ 22) and the South Node (@ 19) in Sagittarius. Here, we feel more buoyantly optimistic and also more sure we have the answer.

So the Leo Moon creates a Grand Trine in Fire linking Venus, the South Node of the past, Mars, and Eris the chaos goddess.

In the Disseminating phase, we want to share what we learned and experienced at the Full Moon.

Remember, this Full Moon in Cancer has links to the past because Cancer is one of the signs that ties us to our ancestry, our traditions, and traditional values and commitments.

If the Full Moon left us vulnerable and at risk, the passion of the Leo Moon will feel personal and immediate. If we ourselves feel safe and (reasonably) secure, we might burn at the daily evidences of injustice. It could, of course, be both.

The danger here is giving our emotions, triggered at the Full Moon, free rein to create a lot of heat with little light. We have every right to express our feelings, but the on-stage volume of a Leo Moon might not be the most productive way to process.

At this Disseminating phase, link in to the creative and playful side of Leo. Channel your Full Moon emotions into movement, sound, images, words. There is great power here. If we work with it, shape it, and allow it to unfold, we can create something dramatic and beautiful..

Image adapted from Forest Simon

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