Disseminating Moon in Leo: From the Heart

posted in: Disseminating Moon, Leo | 0

Following the mystical, transformative space created by the Full Moon, we now enter the Disseminating phase with something to say.

A queenly Moon in Leo separates from a conjunction with Mars Rx, moving into a tight opposition with Venus in Aquarius, copresent with Pluto and the asteroid Ceres.

Imagine a meeting between great powers, gathered in a high and stately castle to share news and discuss options.

There are counsellors here too: Jupiter (the sage) sextiles the Moon and trines Venus, while Mercury (the messenger), newly direct, sextiles the Aquarius group and trines Mars and the Moon.

If we received new insights from the Full Moon, we may feel a new sense of clarity, even certainty, about what we know and what we need to do.

Perhaps there will be news or teachings from outside that help us find clarity.

We may want to express what we’ve learned, what we now know. This is worth doing. Aquarius values clarity and depth. Leo is creative, passionate, and courageous.

Yet it’s too soon to believe we have all the facts.

The Sun squares Neptune: There is more to study and understand. Saturn squares Jupiter: Any sense of certainty should be tempered with a commitment to be diligent and act responsibly.

We don’t know all we need to, not yet. Certainty would be a trap. So we accept the gifts of the Full Moon and begin to explore them.

Claim your creative impulses. Explore them fully, in open-ended ways. Engage the world with passionate enthusiasm. Share with your communities. Create from the heart.

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