Disseminating Moon in Libra: Harmony

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Before dawn, the Moon will form a sesquiquadrate to the Sun, the square and a half that opens the Disseminating phase.

We’ve already had one important shift since the focused intensity of the Leo Full Moon: The Sun slipped into misty Pisces, creating confusion, or an oasis of calm, depending on how important clarity is in your life right now.

Now we begin the phase in which we share what we learned, or act on what we know. With the Moon anchoring the chart from the middle of Libra, that sharing and those actions need to focus on creating harmony.

There are many calls on the diplomatic Libra Moon.

Saturn may be polite in his trine to the Moon, but he still wants his way. After all, he knows best.

Venus and Mars, continuing their tightly-linked journey, square the Moon. Perhaps the erotic intensity these two generated at first is wearing thin. If that feeling of “too much of a good thing” has crept in, perhaps the Moon can suggest options.

The Moon is leaving an opposition to Chiron while forming one to Eris. Here we work through an experience of our own wounding, hopefully with insight, only to come up against the woundedness of the Earth.

This Moon is well aware that we must listen to the many voices of the Earth. Another reminder of where attention is needed.

There’s almost a feeling in this chart of many voices, all the voices, clamoring to be heard. Can the Libra Moon listen that well? That deeply? That skillfully?

Here perhaps we identify with the Moon. The world is too much with us. So many important, insistent needs cry out for support.

One challenge the Moon faces in Libra is holding on to her own goals in the face of what needs to be done. This Moon struggles to remember her own needs are also worth time and attention.

Here’s another message from the Leo Full Moon. If we sacrifice too much in responding to the needs of others, our own creative work inevitably suffers.

Here, too, harmony must be sought.

Image adapted from Magic Bowls

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