Disseminating Moon in Pisces: Fluid

The Disseminating phase is all about sharing. We’re illuminated by the Full Moon and need to tell about it.

Yet this Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune and widely trine a combust Mercury will feel more like staying in the flow.

We’re not quite sure what’s happening, at least not yet. Remember we’re between two Aquarian Full Moons and therefore in process.

This Pisces Moon is all about the process.

Depending on your preferences, you might choose to share with close friends or communities. Or your sharing might be internal: Journaling to sort out your thoughts, visioning to sense a path forward.

Whatever we share is unlikely to feel definitive. Too much is unclear. This process orientation is reflected in what happens during this phase. Three planets change signs in the next few days.

Later on Tuesday, Mercury leaves tenderhearted Cancer for fiery Leo. We won’t feel that yet, as a combust Mercury approaches superior conjunction with the Sun, but it happens.

Wednesday, Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius, sign of these two Full Moons, ready to take care of unfinished business here.

Thursday, Mars leaves fiery Leo for careful, precise Virgo: A definite shift in energy that should cool things down a bit everywhere.

So, yes, share, where and when it feels safe and appropriate. We’re all finding our way from the old into a new we can’t quite see yet.

The situation is fluid.

Image adapted from Richard Horvath

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