Disseminating Moon in Pisces: Something to Talk About

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Life has been busy! The Mars–Uranus conjunction has kept things hopping.

Since the Full Moon was exact early on Sunday, we’ve had the Moon conjunct Pluto, the Sun trine Neptune, and Mars trine Pluto.

In the early hours of Monday, the Sun entered Leo. The Sun’s opposition to Pluto was exact in the early hours of Tuesday.

Wednesday afternoon, we enter the Disseminating phase with the Moon conjunction Saturn in Pisces.

The Sun, Venus, and Mercury, all in Leo, span all the three decans.

At the beginning of Leo, the Sun is strong and ready for the spotlight. This Sun sextiles Mars in Gemini. Ideas are exploding. Possibilities are electric and endless.

Venus is queenly and dramatic in the middle decan of Leo, with much to say and share. Separating from a sextile to Jupiter, she feels wise and expansive.

Mercury at the end of Leo sounds a different note. Here, the fire of Leo faces challenges. The claims we make need to be defended against those who disagree.

Mercury is in a challenging aspect pattern as well, sitting at the apex of a yod with Pluto and Neptune at its base. Mercury in Leo feels combative. Pluto wants to pull us into the shadows to understand deep structures. Neptune opens up the widest possible view of the cosmos in all its complexity.

The solution to a yod lies opposite the apex, the final degree of Aquarius. Here, we can become disillusioned, weary of trying to balance sources of information that never agree. Instead, we can choose to embrace not-knowing, the understanding that we simply can’t know it all.

The Moon and Saturn are together in the middle of Pisces. The Moon is personal, our own dreams and beliefs. Saturn is the impersonal setter of boundaries and assigner of tasks. Together they remind us not to believe everything we hear. These days, we can’t even believe everything we see.

During the days of this Disseminating Moon, we may feel compelled to talk, share, and marvel over. That’s fine. A healthy part of being a member of our social species.

At the same time, the Moon and Saturn remind us not to believe everything coming at us. Our touchstones are our personal dreams, beliefs and boundaries (the Moon) and the standards of evidence and belief we share as a society (Saturn).

This week, we all have something to talk about.

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