Disseminating Moon in Sagittarius: Speed of Light

We’re entering the Disseminating phase, when we begin to share what we’ve accomplished and what we learned during the Full Moon.

So much has happened, it’s tough to know where to start.

It began with a Full Moon square Pluto and trine Saturn. A lot to carry for a Libra Moon.

Next, Mercury conjunct Pluto. This brought deep, difficult Plutonian material into our conscious mind. Which could be good or bad, but probably not comfortable.

Then the Sun squared Pluto. Sense the Plutonian theme? This may have felt like a direct challenge to our core selfs. If Monday was difficult, Pluto probably had something to do with it.

Now, the Sun enters Taurus.


Everything slows down. Gets grounded. We want comfort food. We stay home. We resist change. Maybe we’ll sleep better tonight. (I hope I do.)

The Sun feels really chill. And the Moon is running around like crazy in Sagittarius.

SO much to say. This Sag Moon wants to share all the things right now because they are all super important.

There’s a square to this Moon that will help. The Moon in Sag squares Venus in Pisces.

Squares in the mutable signs are never as tough as the fixed signs. This one actually helps.

Venus is basking in Pisces. Relaxing after months and months of challenge. Inspiration is running high. Motivation, though, might be lacking. I mean, things are so awesome as they are, really, why change it around?

The Sag Moon brings in fire energy. Hey! Let’s do something awesome with all this magic!

Now, a Moon is Sag is a great storyteller. This Moon’s Achilles heel is grabbing the mic.

Venus gently pushes back and says, hey, this one wants to talk. I’m sure they have something really great to tell. Or perhaps, wow, did you need to be that brusque? I think you could have phrased that more kindly.

So these two help each other, tonight and throughout this Disseminating phase.

With the best of this Moon and Venus, we can explore and rest. Share and listen. Be exuberant and also quiet and calm. This chance to balance between fire and water is worth savoring.

Title adapted from Tyler Lastovich

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