Near dawn on Tuesday, we slip quietly into the Disseminating phase. The Full Moon Eclipse still reverberates. This Moon, now in Scorpio, wants to look around without being seen or heard.

The Moon is in Fall in Scorpio, but gains some strength from her mutual reception with Mars in Cancer. Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio. This is action in stealth mode, checking out what’s what without showing any cards.
We’re in the midst of eclipse season and the landscape is changing. Some things are fading into Piscean fogs.
Mercury stationed retrograde March 15, joining Venus on her descent journey. Neither planet is visible in the sky.
We’re exploring the shadow sides of our values and desires. This time around, head and heart compare notes as they explore the same depths together.
Something new emerges into Aries sunshine.
After joining Neptune at the very end of Pisces, the Sun will enter Aries on March 20. This is the Spring Equinox, the beginning of a new zodiacal year, as the Sun crosses the equator from south to north.

Ancient astrologers consulted the Aries ingress chart to learn what the year ahead would bring. Such charts were cast for nations and cities, as well as kings and warlords.
Where is early Aries in your birth chart? Here the Sun ends one cycle and renews the year. Here also Venus and Mercury explore the depths. What’s showing up for you?
The Moon trines Mars, connecting again with this out-of-bounds, still cranky planet of action. We too may be feeling a bit touchy, in the backwash of the Virgo Full Moon eclipse.
The Moon forms a sesquiquadrate, a square-and-a-half, with the Sun, and also with the North Node and Neptune. Sesquiquadrates smolder–we’re not happy, but we’re not going to say one word about it. Not yet.

Pisces is mutable but the Moon is in fixed Water, saying nothing while noticing everything.
The Sun’s entry into Aries at the Equinox is usually a time to celebrate. Spring comes to the north. Days lengthen. Everything begins to grow.
Yet before committing to the increase in light, this Scorpio Moon will check out every shadowy corner for hidden messages and suspect motivations.
It makes sense, really, this cautious attitude. We’re in a time of great change. We feel the timeline speeding up. It’s a good time to look around. Notice the details. Take notes.

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