We’ve entered the Disseminating phase with the Moon in Virgo in a fascinating chart.
The Moon in the last decan of Virgo has achieved a certain measure of success and stability, but wonders how to hold on to it–which, of course, we can’t. Yet this Moon is part of a Grand Trine in Earth that offers new direction.
The Moon at 24º25’ Virgo trines Uranus at 19º05’ Taurus and Mars and Mercury at 18º59’ and 20º31’ Capricorn.
Virgo Moons can be anxious. Mars and Mercury in Cap are ready to face any challenge, find solid ground, and build something new. Uranus in Taurus is solidly behind innovation.
The Grand Trine points us toward the future. It’ll take focused work to get there, but that’s not an issue. Innovative ideas will create the most interest and momentum.
The Disseminating phase is about sharing what we learned at the Full Moon. The message here will be something like, “We’ve got work to do to create the future we want. Here’s a plan. Let’s get started.”
Venus at 08º00’ Capricorn trines Jupiter at 07º04’ Taurus. We start off that new project with an invocation to the gods asking for their blessing, which they generously bestow.
Saturn at 06º11’ Pisces sextiles Venus and Jupiter, confirming we’re meant to get real work done.
A different note is sounded in the Moon’s opposition to Neptune at 25º42’ Pisces. This could show up in a few different ways.
Neptune might increase the Moon’s anxieties about the future. If this comes up, check in with the Earth planets, Venus and Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Uranus. Take the first step, then the second. Keep going.
Neptune could confuse the Moon, creating doubt about the plan or its potential for success. The remedy is the same: Stay grounded. Take one step at a time.
Neptune can also fuel our biggest dreams and shower us with creative insights. We can recognize Neptune up front and bring the energy of creative dreaming into the project at its inception.
Neptune can be blessings from the gods. A grounded yet magical sense we’re on the right path. The feeling that this project has legs and we’re going to get there.
Thanks for this it helps explain the sudden dread and anxiety mixed with inspiration and courage to make a decision on at least one thing that has been nagging for correction.. Anxious indeed. But inspiration with some measured caution and good strong wind might get me through the long virgo list of things impatiently waiting for action.
Step by step! Go with the Earth energy and keep it steady Thanks for your comment, Denisse <3