Today we shift focus from what we’d like to do, to what we will do, as the Aries Moon squares the Capricorn Sun.
We’re entering the First Quarter, where we develop new skills and capacities to reach our goals.
January 6 is Epiphany, when three wise men (at least one of whom was surely an astrologer) found the sacred child lying in a stable.
We’ve just passed Twelfth Night, the feasting to close the holiday season.
We head back into ordinary life. As we cross this threshold, we’re offered flashes of insight to take with us.
The Moon in Aries squares the Sun in Capricorn, in the second decans of each sign. The Moon is in the place of the Sun’s exaltation, while the Sun is in a place of hard work we might grumble about. Squares are a challenge we need to balance.
How do we feel about our work? Do we dive in with good will? Are we already tired before we start? Are we in it for the glory (Moon in Aries) or committed to the work itself (Sun in Cap)?
Mars retrograde has reentered Cancer, putting the Moon and Mars in mutual reception. What epiphanies have we had with Mars in Leo in this Rx cycle? How do we feel about our actions (Mars in Cancer)?
Mars is out of bounds, which intensifies this part of our chart. The opposition to Pluto is close by degree, but Mars’ sign change has definitely changed the vibe.
The Moon moves to conjunct Chiron the wounded healer, as the Sun moves into a square.
Where are we on our healing path? Do we bring energy and optimism (Moon in Aries)? A commitment to the work (Sun in Capricorn)? Or are we going too fast and grumbling about difficulties?
Venus has sailed into Pisces, which she loves, inviting us all to exhale. Mars trines Neptune at the end of Pisces, channeling this same creative, mystical energy.
Mercury squares Neptune, late Sagittarius to late Pisces, a signature of illumination if ever there was one.
What have we learned during this winter holiday season? What about in the last calendar year?
This First Quarter invites us to enter fully into a space of epiphany, gathering insights to carry forward.
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