First Quarter Moon in Capricorn: Equal Exchange

The First Quarter brings a Sun–Moon square. Here we’re challenged to learn effective ways to reach our goals.

In early Capricorn, the Moon wants to be firmly grounded in the body and the material world. This is a place of change, where we choose which options to pursue. Mercury stationed direct in Virgo, also grounding us.

Early Libra is a place of choosing, once we know what we want. This is the task of the First Quarter.

The Sun in Libra focuses on relations, balance, and harmony. We choose our values. Who we wish to be in relationship with. We are inclusive. Everyone deserves a place at the table.

Venus in Libra, her own sign, is conjunct the Sun. They think and feel together. This makes the Libran side strong.

We might feel pulled to give more, let boundaries soften, extend a hand … and also, Libran folk need to get their own needs on the table. Their desires are as important as anyone else’s.

The Moon in Capricorn can help!

Sometimes Capricorn feels cold. But setting boundaries is vital. This Saturn-ruled sign is ready to invest and work hard, but wants to see a fair and equal return. If not, no deal.

In Capricorn, the Moon can be hard headed, strong minded, and firm. This Moon is also way out of bounds and less likely to follow the Sun’s lead.

What’s at stake?

There are (at least) two ways this could play out.

First, if the Moon tries to apply a cost-benefit analysis to a situation of injustice or need, the Sun and Venus might take a stand. They would say, cost is the wrong metric here. Justice is a core value. Caring for those in need is love.

On the other hand, if the Sun and Venus are being swayed by weak arguments, or pressured to give more than they can afford, the Moon steps in. Look at the truth of this situation, the Moon says. You’ve set a fair and reasonable boundary. Keep it.

Both can happen, of course. Equitable exchange is the key.

Title art: original Midjourney render

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