First Quarter Moon in Libra: Balance

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Libra is all about balance and this First Quarter Moon will need to find some: The Moon squares the Cancer–Capricorn axis, with the Sun and North Node on one side, and Saturn, the South Node, and Pluto on the other.

How do we balance past and future? The heart and the will? Feminine and masculine ways of knowing and being in the world? Caring for the needs of others and recognizing real, practical limits?

These are not easy questions in today’s world. The news cycle, the sound bite, and social media all encourage quick, polarized thinking.

Am I for it or against? Libra knows there is more. More than two sides, more than black and white, red and blue, right and wrong. Our world is nuanced and complex.

The First Quarter Moon, a Sun–Moon square, presents a test. Are we committed to our New Moon goals? Are we putting real work into them and seeing progress? Can we let go of what doesn’t work?

Maybe we see this won’t be as easy as we thought.

The meeting of Mars and Mercury might feel like pressure to act. This conjunction, while still tight, is now waning. Mercury’s retrograde introspection can help us think before we speak, or jump.

Can we find our balance among everything competing for our time and attention?

A sextile from the Moon to Jupiter in Sagittarius boosts our optimism.

This isn’t easy but we can do it! We’re in this!

photo by Gift Habeshaw @

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