First Quarter Moon in Libra: Delicate Balance

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We’re moving into the First Quarter with the Moon in late Libra. The waxing cycle shifts from ideas to action, as we’re reminded the state of the world is precarious.

Mars and Uranus are only a degree apart, moving toward their conjunction July 15. This is an unstable, chaotic meeting between two planets who love to make things happen and are not too careful about their methods.

A Mars-Uranus conjunction happens every two years, ish, but this one is right on top of a difficult star: Caput Algol. Based on the histories associated with these three, we anticipate dangerous, startling world events, while hoping we’re wrong.

Personal impact will vary depending on where 26º19’ Taurus falls in our birth charts, and which planets and points are in aspect to the conjunction.

The First Quarter chart calls to both heart and mind. We need to be mindful of personal needs and the state of the world. We’re invited into an active, creative space to find a way forward.

The Moon at 22º Libra squares the Sun at 22º Cancer. Heart and mind challenge each other, asking for attention and space.

This square is actually a T-square with Chiron at 23º27’ and Eris at 25º29’ Aries. Chiron charts our personal wounds and path to healing. Eris holds the tensions and needs of a wounded world.

The Moon opposes Chiron and Eris, as both sides square the Sun.

The Sun at the end of Cancer faces the realization that when some have too much, others go without.

The final decan of Aries, where we see Chiron and Eris, is a place of creative fire. Art can find the power to overcome disaster.

The Moon at the end of Libra is doing her best to maintain a creative and delicate balance between divergent forces.

We’re feeling the backwash of the emotional maelstrom of the New Moon in Cancer. As we move into the Mars–Uranus–Algol conjunction on Monday, we may already feel unstable, as if we’re standing on a fault line.

Take time to be with your heart and mind. What does each want? How can they support each other?

Understand that personal healing is not separate from the world’s. As I quoted at the New Moon, the personal is political.

Reach for a delicate balance that allows for movement, creative play, and the emergence of new ideas.

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