As Thursday opens, we reach the First Quarter. The Moon at the beginning of Sagittarius wants swift action. We’re meant to take action on our goals.
The Sag Moon is also impetuous. A few words of caution will not come amiss.
Before launching into deep waters, check what the conditions are and whether you’re equipped to deal with them.
This Moon squares the Sun in early Virgo, which defines the First Quarter. This is a challenge but not an overwhelming one. The Sag Moon wants the Sun to move faster. The Sun wants to be sure everything is squared away first.
The Virgo Sun is ruled by Mercury, newly retrograde and still in the degree of their station. Picture the navigator and First Mate pouring carefully over charts and logs while the captain paces restlessly behind them.
There are challenges here. The Moon squares Saturn, who opposes the Sun. Saturn in early Pisces needs the Sun and Moon to look at the big picture, while admitting that picture is not fully defined.
Uranus in Taurus is involved, forming wide and out-of-sign aspects to the Moon, Sun, and Saturn, turning the T-square into a slightly off Grand Cross. The situation is unclear and also in a state of flux. Things could change quickly.
Meanwhile, Uranus holds on to a Grand Trine with Mars in late Virgo and Pluto in late Capricorn. Now the Moon becomes the apex of a Kite pattern, sailing into the winds of change.
Jupiter, ruler of the Moon, forms a tight square to Venus retrograde in Leo. The goddess still awaits rescue, counting on Jupiter to help her regain her glory.
A skillful combination of speed and care will be needed.
Our ships are sailing into a quartering wind, which creates chancy and changeable seas. The waves piling up allow for speed, which brings better control if the sailors are skillful. But the ship is under extra stress.
With this Moon, keep your eyes on what’s unfolding in front of you. If you find a clear path to move ahead, grab the opportunity. If conditions are too rough, stay safe and wait for calmer seas.