First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: Flight

Overnight, we’ll sail into the First Quarter with the Moon in mid Sagittarius. There’s movement and energy here, propelling us toward the Full Moon eclipse in Pisces.

In the middle decan of Sagittarius, we’re in the thick of it. We’re engaged, we’re moving, and we’re encountering obstacles. In fact, this Sag Moon is one corner of a Grand Cross in the mutable signs, so balanced action is key.

The Moon squares the Sun in Virgo, which defines the First Quarter. We’re challenged to take action, but carefully. Or we might be delaying action because our plans aren’t finished.

Sun and Moon are moving away from a T-square with Saturn in Pisces, which is still close enough to count. Saturn opposes the Sun as both square the Moon. The Saturnian move is always to slow down and be careful, so, delay could have been a thing.

Yet now Jupiter in Gemini enters the group, opposing the Moon and squaring the Sun and Saturn. The Sun and Moon are applying to exact transits with Jupiter, so, this is where the momentum is.

We’re feeling the buzz and ready to jump in. This Moon is ready to take aim at the goal and not give up.

Meanwhile, an unusually emotional Mars in Cancer squares the Nodes. This is where the eclipse will be happening. How are we feeling about that? Mercury in Virgo sextiles Mars, suggesting a calm and measured approach.

The background is formed by the ongoing dialogue among Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune, which will be influencing the eclipse. Uranus trines Pluto and both sextile Neptune, uniting the three farthest planets in a supportive coalition. What they’re planning is anybody’s guess.

It’s time to sort out how we’ll approach the eclipse. As the mutable Grand Cross suggests, flexibility is key. We’re not meant to control, but instead to participate.

At the same time, preparation is important. We’re entering a chaotic time.

“The arrow, tossed from the bow, does not return again.” – William Blake

“Are you ready for it?” – Taylor Swift

2 Responses

  1. Denisse

    So, would you say, know what you want at this full moon eclipse time, stay calm and flexible in order to adapt and work with unexpected events/changes. Maybe new solutions and possibilities will arise with insight/news to shed light on what we want or thought we wanted…

    • RisingMoon

      Mostly, Denisse, although especially with this eclipse being in Pisces conjunct Neptune, I’d say that being flexible even about what we want might be in order. Eclipses can definitely open up new possibilities and solutions.

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