First Quarter Moon in Scorpio: At the Edge

Monday, we enter the First Quarter phase, marked by a square between the Sun and Moon.

Squares tend to be pushy. We feel a need to do something to move forward, or release a sense of tension. This makes the First Quarter a time to act.

This time, though, the square is in fixed signs. A Scorpio Moon squares a Leo Sun. The optimistic solar leap is met with Scorpionic caution. Have you considered all the angles? There are hidden forces at work here.

Now we see this square is actually a T-Square with Uranus, who squares the Sun and opposes the Moon.

The stakes are higher. Something is brewing. Change looms on a horizon we can’t quite see.

The Scorpio Moon is extremely cautious and hyper-aware of present (but still hidden) dangers. The Leo Sun is prepared to act, but first wants assurances of success and approbation.

Uranus in Taurus is (oddly for Taurus) the wild card. Uranus can’t not change, but the change itself remains mysterious until it happens.

Depending on how this interacts with your birth chart, it could feel like a challenge you must accept, or a great reason to stay safely at home.

In choosing how to proceed, remember that inaction is also action. Keep in mind, Mercury is retrograde, which means anything done may need to be revisited.

Upcoming transits are also relevant. In the next few days, Mars will conjunction Jupiter (action!), Mercury will reenter Leo (reviewing past action), and Mars will square Saturn (consequences of action).

This is a good time to be cautious without hiding. Events will unfold no matter what we do. Best to pay attention and rely on our principles as we choose what actions to take.

“The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.” — Arthur C. Clarke

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