Full Moon in Sagittarius: The Seeker

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Tomorrow we celebrate the Full Moon in Sagittarius. This is a vibrant, high-energy Full Moon inviting us to celebrate change.

The Sun has just entered Gemini (02º55’), the mutable Air sign ruled by Mercury. This is a bright, clever place for the Sun to be. Here, we step into a scintillating new world filled with possibilities. Anything could happen and we’re excited about it.

Austin Coppock (in his book, 36 Faces) presents the image of the apple from the Garden of Eden. We bite into the apple and our minds expand. An explosion of data in binary code opens our eyes to the variety and mutability of reality. It feels limitless. Unconstrained.

The Moon opposes the Sun from 02º55’ Sagittarius, mutable Fire. Here we are drawn to explore all that is. We want to know, and we want to know now. This Moon is also out of bounds. Rules become guidelines and all bets are off. We are ready for adventure.

Quests begin quickly and decisively. We’re over the next hill in a moment. We find the ancient library and want to read all the books at once. Our minds take in as much as we can, as quickly as we can.

At this Full Moon, we feel that boost of energy. We’re ready to dive into whatever claims our attention.

Yet we still have a significant presence in Taurus, fixed Earth. Here we see Venus and Jupiter tightly conjunct and Uranus nearby. All three are now at the end of Taurus, where we realize that we can’t keep everything forever. Life is change. Things can be lost.

Mercury in the middle of Taurus is an excellent planner. Ruling the Sun in Gemini, this Mercury will make sure we don’t forget our map and compass as we head off into the wilds.

The conjunction of the two benefics, Venus and Jupiter, brings our attention to what is good about this process of change, which the presence of Uranus makes inevitable.

We might see the Gemini Sun and Sag Moon as an escape hatch. OK, the old is over. The past is past. Let’s grab the new. We didn’t want that worn out stuff anyway.

Venus and Jupiter offer a different framework in which all that emerges comes from a past that deserves honor. Are we losing things we hold dear? Grief can be part of that transition and we can also bring in plans for remembrance and acknowledging the gifts.

Have we struggled and suffered? Let’s move past that for sure and also take a moment to note we survived. We’re still here. Perhaps we gained strengths or insights, perhaps compassion for others, because of what we’ve been through.

The natural world is one of cycles, some short, some very long. Our lives also cycle. This Full Moon may show us where important transitions are happening in our lives. Full Moons illuminate and here we are at the boundary between fixed Earth, and mutable Air and Fire.

A tight trine and sextile from Pluto to the Sun and Moon brings gravitas into the picture. Gemini and Sagittarius are known for being light hearted. Pluto’s presence doesn’t change that, but gives a deeper, more nuanced view of processes of change and renewal.

A tight sextile from Neptune to Venus and Jupiter opens the doors wide. We’re now in realms beyond the physical. We may find ourselves on journeys far beyond realities we know.

The malefics, Saturn and Mars, are not playing large roles in this Full Moon. Saturn at 18º18’ Pisces is not making classic aspects to any planets. Mars moves from a conjunction with the North Node into one with Chiron, but does not aspect the Full Moon or the Taurus planets.

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This offers a window for focusing on what we have, what we’ve gained, and what we’ve learned to all of that gathering in. There will be time for boundary setting and separation, but right now, we’re in a more celebratory mood.

The out of bounds Sag Moon brings forward the archetype of the Seeker. This Full Moon calls forth our desires to know more, do more, be more. We’re excited and curious about what we’ll find on our journeys. We’re ready to step outside the known.

This Full Moon is also an important Buddhist holiday, Vesak, celebrated as the birth, and in some traditions, also the enlightenment and passing, of the Buddha.

The Buddha was a seeker. Born to privilege, he chose to learn about life outside his protected castle. He journeyed through his lands, exploring the truths of life for many different people and learning from all of it.

As a prince, he might have chosen journeys of conquest. Instead, he decided to learn about the life of his people, celebrating and also mourning with them. His journeys changed him in ways he never could have imagined.

This is a time of change. Our birth charts help us understand whether we embrace change, seeking out new ways to live and learn, or whether we prefer the tried and true. This Full Moon offers positive ways to accept change, celebrate its gifts, and move into the next stage of our own journeys.

The Full Moon invites us into a new hero’s cycle, as Joseph Campbell framed the Jungian perspective on change.. The Sun and Moon, nudged by Pluto, are a Call to Adventure. New vistas open up. Fresh perspectives entice us into new ways of thinking. Magic enters our lives.

Perhaps we’re right there with the Sun and Moon, ready to launch into whatever the cosmos brings. Some of us will no doubt have the impulse to pull the covers over our heads and say, not today. In these cases, adventure will come knocking again.

We cannot escape change. It’s part of who we are and how we live. As we experience this vibrant and adventurous Full Moon, choose your next journey. Start planning it now. Make it exciting and challenging. Choose goals that will change you. You may also, in the end, change the world.

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