Gibbous Moon in Aquarius: Stand Strong

posted in: Aquarius, Gibbous Moon | 0

We’re now into the Gibbous Moon, the square-and-a-half between Sun and Moon that marks a time of challenge.

This is the moment in the story when we see the prize, the light that will reveal the secrets we’ve been pursuing.

It’s within reach. We step toward the shimmer––and something stops us.

A monster? 2020 seems full of them. A chasm? We’ve seen few of those too. Something lies between us and our Full Moon goal.

It’s probably Saturn, who is stationing to turn direct in a few days and extra powerful right now. We’re not happy. At all. Which is down to Mars Rx in Aries with Eris and Black Moon Lilith.

What do we do?

Remember the shadow work we’ve been exploring this waxing lunar cycle? This is where it comes together.

In the face of challenge, a new realization crystallizes. Something that’s been unfolding is suddenly clear.

This is an Aquarius Moon, after all. Together with the Sun in Libra, our perceptions and thoughts are on point, focused, and sure.

With Mercury newly in Scorpio, we’re incisive, deep, and not easily conned.

Aquarius is principled, a creator of visions, a maker of plans. We know where we stand now. We’re ready to speak up for what we believe.

This is how we conquer the Gibbous challenge. By taking a stand for something vital to who we are and the world we love.

Image adapted from Miguel Bruna

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