Gibbous Moon in Aries: The Unkindest Cut

posted in: Aries, Gibbous Moon | 0

Overnight, we shift into the Gibbous phase, which often feels like something that trips you up just when you thought you’d reached the finish.

The Moon is in Aries now. At the Gibbous transition, she forms a square-and-a-half to the Scorpio Sun.

She will, at the same time, conjunct Chiron the wounded healer. When we add in a square from Venus, inconjunct from Mars, semisquare from Jupiter, and sextile from Saturn, we can see how this Moon might feel besieged.

The “unkindest cut” is feeling attacked by those close to us. This Aries Moon is feisty and independent, but is still the Moon–filled with emotion and longing for connection.

Heading into the eclipse and then the holiday season after two really challenging years, we may well feel triggered and vulnerable. This is normal. It’s OK. Not fun, but OK.

The invitation from Chiron is to notice. My boss did a thing and I’m furious. My partner forgot a thing and I’m hurt. Whatever it is, before reacting, notice.

How do I feel? Where do I feel it in my body? What does it remind me of from the past?

Chiron is all about patterns and triggers. He brings things up so we can see them clearly and then, hopefully, move into healing.

The next few days seem likely to trigger us one way or another. Or we could trigger someone else, perhaps by reacting too quickly.

Now we have a heads up. We have the chance to pause, process, and make some choices before reacting to what happens. Sometimes reactions are 100% needed and appropriate. And they will be much more effective when not driven by hurt feelings.

Image adapted from Pratiksha Mohanty

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