Gibbous Moon in Capricorn: Taking Stock

Before dawn on Friday, we enter the Gibbous phase with the Moon in Capricorn.

This is a solid, stable, no-nonsense Moon, an appropriate Threshold Guardian on the way to a wild Full Moon.

The Gibbous Moon often creates a pause, maybe an obstacle, to our headlong progress from New Moon to Full. We sorted out goals, gained new skills, and are ready to dive into the light–except not. Who is this guy who’s got questions to ask and wants answers?

We’ve been on the go with Mars and Jupiter, but we’ve run out of gas. Four hours before we reach the Gibbous Moon, Mars stepped away from Jupiter to square Saturn. Suddenly, things aren’t moving so fast.

This Capricorn Moon is conjunct the asteroid Ceres (the Roman name for the goddess Demeter) and squares the Nodes. After some crazy days of high energy and surprises, we’ve been stopped in our tracks.

Are we ready to accept the consequences of our actions? Have we even thought about what those might be? It’s time for a reckoning.

Mercury retrograde has just reentered Leo. We’re asked to look at our solar self. Are we shining enough? Too much?

Jupiter is involved here too. The Jupiter–Saturn square won’t be exact until August 19, but is already within a single degree. Our enthusiasms as well as our actions are being called into question.

It’s not bad to stop, sort things out, and take stock. This Full Moon will have enough energy to spare. So, while it might feel frustrating, take some time. Check supplies. Is everyone OK? Fix whatever needs tending. Breathe.

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