Gibbous Moon in Pisces: Emotional

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Overnight Monday, we slip into the Gibbous phase with a Moon in early Pisces.

In this phase, we realize everything might not be what it seems.

There’s a Sun–Jupiter trine here, how wonderful! An excellent aspect of bright thoughts and good luck. And it is, no doubt. Except that neither the Sun nor Jupiter is strong right now.

Other aspects complicate things.

The Sun squares Mars, with Mars in the stronger position. The bright airy Sun is overshadowed by the fierce emotionality of Mars in Cancer. The Libran Sun wants to be fair and balanced,. This Mars is ready to defend his side no matter what.

There’s a lot of Water here. Venus in dark Scorpio leaves a trine with Mars to oppose Uranus. A sudden shift, a break in reality, opens up depths we didn’t know were there. Can we work with the deep material we now see? Or do we get caught up in feeling some kind of way?

The Moon in Pisces feels at sea. Leaving a trine with Mercury, newly arrived in Scorpio, the Moon moves to conjunct Saturn.

Moon–Saturn connections are often described as depressing, emotionally or literally: We want to move forward but find we cannot. Yet in this case, Saturn can be helpful.

Saturn wants structure. Sets boundaries. Is responsible. Is there something we need to address? If so, getting lost in swirling mists of emotion is not going to help. Can we use Saturn’s strengths to move forward in good ways?

This Moon is on a journey.

After completing the conjunction with Saturn, the Moon reactivates the Venus–Mars trine. We have the chance to look at some deeper layers that fuel our current feelings.

The Moon will also square a scattered Jupiter in Gemini. With Saturn’s help, this Moon can steer Jupiter’s focus back to spiritual values.

At the end of Pisces, the Moon will conjunct Neptune and add emphasis to the Neptune–Pluto sextile. Power structures and old patterns can be revealed, as well as deep emotion.

That Sun–Mars square is actually a T-square with Chiron, opposing the Sun while squaring Mars. Chiron overcomes Mars, just as Mars is overcoming the Sun.

The deep message here is not to ignore our feelings, but instead to follow them. What’s underneath how we feel right now? What’s under that? And that?

How deep can we go in search of truth and healing?

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