Gibbous Moon in Taurus: Radical

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Tonight, we enter the Gibbous Moon phase, the square and a half between Sun and Moon that often signals a final challenge.

Saturday’s Full Moon in Gemini has a bright, holiday quality we’re looking for as we reach the end of a challenging year. We’re filled with ideas of what we’d love to do, who we long to spend time with, and hopes for the future.

This Gibbous Moon may remind us we’re not there yet. This might feel especially disappointing because the Moon’s in Taurus, where she’s exalted and loves to revel in comfort and warmth and all good things.

But this Moon triggers the Saturn-Uranus square, sitting with Uranus, the radical revolutionary. We’re acutely aware of challenges in the world and our lives.

Mercury is out of bounds in early Capricorn, which could push into a focus on what is “realistic” by assessing where others have fallen short. They are forming a trine to the Moon and Uranus, sextile to Saturn, and square to Chiron.

So let’s avoid a potential trap that entices us to focus on what’s wrong out in the world. Let’s refocus on where we are out of balance. Where we need tenderness and care.

I’m not counseling selfishness, at all. I’m suggested we look to our own roots. Where do our souls, spirits, minds, hearts, and bodies need tending? Where can kindness to ourselves plant seeds of a wider compassion?

If, as we explore our foundations, we find attitudes, feelings, behaviors, ideas, that are getting in the way, the Mars–South Node conjunction helps us let go.

Today is a great day to be kind. Uranus calls us to get radical. Let’s get back to this fundamental root of human society. It will make today’s challenged Moon in Taurus feel really good.

Image adapted from Camille Brodard

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