Gibbous Moon in Taurus: Touch Grass

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During each waxing cycle, we prepare for something, aiming toward a goal seeded at the New Moon. The Gibbous phase is a final check, often a challenge. Are we really ready?

Instead of pushing us harder, this calm, steady Taurus Moon asks us to slow down and get grounded.

The Moon is exalted in Taurus and loves the slow, cozy, warm feel of hearty meals, good friends, and naps.

The rest of this chart tho–

The only other planet in Earth is Uranus Rx in Taurus, and Uranus is not known for his cozy vibe. Preview: the coming Full Moon in Gemini is squared by Neptune. A lot of sparkly but unsettling energy.

We’re in intense, crazy times. We can feel anxious, trapped by a deeply worrying news cycle, unsure what to do or prepare for.

The Gibbous challenge is to check in with your body.

Activated? Chill out and regulate your nervous system. Running on empty? Feed yourself, in whatever ways work best for you. Depressed? Connect with what you love.

At this time of year, in the midst of great change in the world, giving ourself permission to slow down can be a very real challenge.

Mary Oliver’s poem Wild Geese captures the heart of this Gibbous Moon:
“You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.”

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