Last Quarter Moon in Aries: Sparkling

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The Last Quarter Moon arrives on Friday with a chart full of energy. Lots of connections. Lots of conversations. Plenty of creative sparkle.

The Moon at the beginning of Aries driven and fiercely independent. Her looming conjunction with the North Node intensifies both.

The Aries Moon squares the Sun in Cancer (which defines the Last Quarter) while sextiling Jupiter in Gemini. The energy of the Aries Moon gets even bigger.

Venus and Mercury have separated from the Sun by zodiacal position, yet all three remain more closely parallel than at the Full Moon. Venus is still out of bounds. These three create together, fueled by the heart’s wishes.

The Moon’s fire adds fuel. It’s time to get something started.

Meanwhile, Mars in Taurus sextiles Venus, as Chiron in Aries squares Mercury. Venus moves to trine Saturn. Mercury moves away from the same trine.

We have an extra boost of Mars with the positive aspect of the sextile. Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries can help us give expression to a core wound. Saturn in a gentle trine offers structure and meaning.

The Sun and Venus square the Nodes as well as the Moon. This places Sun and Venus at the North Bending. We’re invited to bring something into the world. Something new and exciting.

You see what I mean about many connections.

This Last Quarter phase, spanning Friday afternoon through Monday, is a time to come to grips with something important to us, create something meaningful, or perhaps gain clarity on something troubling. Creativity is high and well supported.

The key will be to choose something. Without focus, we may find ourselves going from project to project without making progress, which can also result in frustration.

Choose something to work on that calls for creativity and insight. Dedicate time to it during these days. Mercury is moving into a sextile with Uranus.

Something surprising can emerge. See how it sparkles.

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