Last Quarter Moon in Cancer: A Crisis of Care

posted in: Cancer, Last Quarter Moon | 0

Tonight’s Last Quarter Moon in Cancer, her own sign, is exquisitely sensitive. This Moon wishes to gather up every being in need and bring them to safe places where they’ll be warm, well fed, and secure.

A trine to Neptune enhances the Moon’s emotional resonance. If you’re easily affected by the feelings of others, practice good self care tonight.

The Cancer Moon squares the Sun in Libra. We’re asked to place our emotional sensitivity into the wider context of a well-thought-out plan.

This will be difficult but necessary, because the Sun–Moon square is only one side of a Grand Cross. The easy side.

The other two are the Capricorn group and Mars and Eris in Aries. Which means Sun and Moon are working to figure out how to survive these end-of-an-era times we’re living through while protecting as many of the vulnerable as possible.

The Moon’s role is to remind us that caring is––must be––the foundation.

The Sun in Venus–ruled Libra knows this, but in the midst of negotiating the best solutions, might need to reconnect with emotion. Remembering our basic needs to belong, to have a home.

The Capricorn group definitely needs to hear that we’re only as strong as the weakest among us, only as secure as the most vulnerable.

Mars and Eris must cycle back to the heart, over and over, so their passions are fueled by justice. So they burn with righteous anger and not unfiltered rage.

Where are you in this Grand Cross?

Keeping things cool by staying in your head? Focused intently on getting the work done? Burning to act right now? Each can benefit by getting in touch with the heart, by asking what the body wants.

Oddly enough, if you’re feeling too vulnerable and sensitized, the remedy is the same. What does your body need? What is your heart telling you.


Image adapted from Rod Long

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