Last Quarter Moon in Cancer: Deep

The Moon has just entered Cancer. In about an hour, we’ll enter the Last Quarter phase as the Cancer Moon squares the Sun in Libra.

The Moon is strong in her own sign of Cancer, far stronger in dignity than the Sun is in Libra. The tone set for this Last Quarter is one of strong emotion in contrast to our best attempts to reason things out calmly.

We are between eclipses, just past the equinox, and in a place where deep things may become apparent, or be brought forward in some way.

Mercury has taken the Sun’s place as anchor for the deep Grand Trine in Earth, with Uranus and Pluto.

This Mercury is under the beams of the Sun, approaching cazimi, and so not able to communicate as clearly as usual.

We may be sensing deep changes underway without being able to name them.

Venus newly arrived in Scorpio trines an out of bounds Moon in Cancer. This reinforces our experience of this time as one of strong emotion. Venus in Scorpio does not shy away from depth and intensity. The Moon out of bounds is following her own way without reference to the Sun.

The Sun approaches the Nodes in Libra and Aries. , conjunct the South and opposite the North, which means the Moon sits at the bendings. The Moon sits at the South Bending, which means we’re leaning into South Node topics. What do we need to let go of? What is the best way to make that happen?

Over the next few days, we can expect intense and possibly stormy emotional weather. Our orientation can be to watch and listen, and sort out what sensitive issues are coming forward for attention and possible letting go.

Change is in the air––and with this Moon, also in the waters.

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