Last Quarter Moon in Libra: Walk in Beauty

posted in: Last Quarter Moon, Libra, Solstice | 2

At the Last Quarter Moon, we take action based on all we have learned during the lunar cycle.

Here we see the Moon conjunct the South Node squaring the Sun at the bendings, aligning both luminaries with the path of fate the Nodes of the Moon represent.

This is not fate as doom, but rather fate as destiny, a path laid out, key issues to address.

The South Node in Libra creates a gentle, spiritual place. We’re interested in Libran things like balance, harmony, justice, and beauty. Our mood is philosophical. This path will include letting go as well as gathering in.

Venus in highly principled Aquarius rules the Moon as she trines Jupiter. The issues we contemplate are deep and far reaching, related to our core values.

Transformation is in the air: Pluto, copresent with Venus, trines the Moon and South Node while sextiling the North Node.

We think deeply about what action we should take: Mars Rx opposes Pluto, trines the North Node and sextile the South Node and Moon.

Venus-ruled Libra is sometimes seen as attractiveness, as something we want, something to buy. Grabbing at this kind of beauty is a modern mistake that leaves us feeling empty.

Instead, think of Hózhó, the Diné word for beauty that is balance, harmony, and well-being. Beauty as something we resonate with. We live within beauty.

Let go of this beauty-as-commodity view. Step into a deeper view of beauty as all that surrounds and fills us.

Here is one translation of the Diné Beauty Way prayer, part of the Blessing Way:

In beauty I walk
With beauty before me I walk
With beauty behind me I walk
With beauty above me I walk
With beauty around me I walk
It has become beauty again
It has become beauty again
It has become beauty again
It has become beauty again

With this Last Quarter Moon in Libra, may we all become beauty again.

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