Last Quarter Moon in Taurus: Calm

Tonight we enter the Last Quarter phase with the Moon in steady Taurus. After the frenetic pace of the last weeks, we welcome a slow time.

The Last Quarter is a productive phase. We prepared in the waxing cycle. We learned some things at the Full Moon. Now we make good on it.

This Moon is not lazy. At the beginning of the fixed Earth sign, we look for worthy work.

The Sun sextiles Mars: ideas still arrive fast and furious. The square from the Taurus Moon says, slow down. We’re already in overload.

The Moon moves away from a trine to Mercury and square to Pluto. The Sun moves away from an opposition to Pluto and trine to Neptune. These intense connections are fading.

Mercury is barely moving preparing to turn retrograde. Our thinking is more deliberate. Our focus turns inward.

Mercury sits with the fixed star Regulus, a royal star. We may find ourselves pondering big topics, long range potentials, and hopes for the future. Slowly, though.

The next few days are good for gardening and taking care of what we already have. A time to catch up, organize a few things, and breathe.

Which brings me to another suggestion, something I am already do for myself.

This Taurus Moon invites us to tend to our well being.

Feeling activated? Overwhelmed by the crazy news cycle? Check in with your nervous system, especially the vagus nerve, the longest nerve we have.

Mercury rules the vagus nerve, as part of our overall nervous system. Moving slowly, turning inward, this Mercury wants to know how regulated we are.

There’s lots of information out there on how to find calm. One of my favorites is a breathing pattern called the physiological sigh.

The pattern is a long inhale, another inhale to really fill the lungs, and then a long, slow exhale until the lungs are completely empty. This simple pattern calms and recenters me in a few minutes.

Taking care of our bodies is as important to Taurus as tending to gardens and the world. Find what brings you calm and spend time there.

2 Responses

  1. Denisse

    Yes!Thank you for the reminder!
    Breath is a life saver and brings me back here soon as I remember to do it! And with a smile the mind- body relaxes even deeper too. These times require vigilance to stay in the herenow where all is well🙏🏻

    • RisingMoon

      You’re welcome. Breathing, it’s a thing, especially in the midst of so much change.

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