Mercury Enters Virgo: Focused Thought

With everything going on, I’m tracking transits closely. Later today, Mercury enters Virgo. About four hours later, the Leo Sun sextiles Mars in Gemini and trines the Moon in Aries.

This makes today a great day to focus on our thoughts and communication, especially on processes like collecting info, analyzing, sorting, and recording.

Mercury is moving very slowly now, preparing to turn retrograde at 04º Virgo on August 5. We’re in the preview period, which is a great time to be intentional about noticing how our perceptions, processing, and communication are actually working.

What draws your interest? Where do you want to focus in? How are you feeling about the information you’re bringing in? How are you communicating?

The bold, expressive Leo Sun moves into an energized connection with Mars in Gemini, with another boost from the Aries Moon. The Sun is at home in Leo, very strong. Mars in Gemini is ruled by Mercury, moving slowly in detail-oriented Virgo.

We want a chance to shine. We’ve got lots of ideas, possibly too many crowding in right now.

Mercury entering Virgo might bring some anxiety about whether we’ve dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s.

A better approach is to focus in. Let the world, and your own work and projects, pull you in. What are you drawn to? What do you want to work on?

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