New Moon in Libra: Beautiful Change

posted in: Libra, New Moon | 2

At this Libra New Moon, we begin again. This is a lunar beginning, which means we are in darkness. We cannot see clearly with our ordinary vision. We rely on intuition. We rely on our bodies.

Which, let’s acknowledge, is not the most comfortable mode for Libra. This Air sign cultivates beautiful ideas and persuasive words to move toward a balanced harmony.

Libra eagerly invites and champions disparate points of view, but can stay in the head too much while seeking solutions.

This New Moon is opposite Chiron the wounded healer in confrontational Aries. We will not sail into this new cycle on softly lit clouds. We are going to feel uncomfortable. We will find ourselves at the sharp end of a choice point.

Overnight tonight, Saturn and the South Node of the Moon reach their final conjunction in their dance. Previous conjunctions this year occurred on April 30 and July 4. If those dates were significant for you, this conjunction may complete something, or point to what has not yet been finished.

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For all of us, this Saturn–South Node meeting brings the past forward. Many of us have chosen or been forced to confront family, ancestral, and karmic issues in the last year plus. We’ve had the chance to see patterns clearly. This brought opportunities to work with those legacies.

Whether we’ve chosen to reclaim parts of our past with reverence and honor, or step away from old patterns that have not served us well, this New Moon offers a new perspective.

What hurts? Severing ourselves from old ways creates wounds that need tending. Choosing to reclaim our legacy can also create pain as we move to heal within that pattern.

If we are in a place of peace, knowing we have done important personal work, Chiron is still there. In this case, we’re reminded that personal healing in not the end of the Chronic journey. We are now called to integrate and understand our patterns so we can offer healing to others.

The opposition between the Sun and Moon, and Chiron is dynamic. This Libra New Moon wants to find a good way forward, one that honors the past, recognizes its limitations, and seeks a new way.

This is not a New Moon for self congratulation, or telling ourselves we’re done.

The New Moon is inconjunct, or quincunx, Uranus. This aspect is tight and also applying, so, strong and present. We are meant to take what we have learned from the past, and our work with the past, and carry it into the future.

The quincunx is an itchy, awkward connection. It’s difficult to know exactly what we’re meant to do. That’s ok. This is a New Moon. The night sky is dark. Uranus is in Taurus and knows some things take time.

What’s important is the intention to change.

Venus rules this New Moon from her own throne in Libra, and rules Uranus in Taurus as well. She is ready to support the crafting of beautiful, balanced wishes and intentions.

Venus sextiles Jupiter in Sagittarius. This is a beautiful pairing. Think of two things you love to have together, that complement and enhance each other in amazing ways:

Your favorite book (or a new book you’ve been waiting to read) and the perfect glass of wine (or scotch, or tea). Dinner in your favorite restaurant with a good friend visiting after a long absence. Create your own examples.

Our wishes and intentions can be deep, various, optimistic, and plentiful.

There is a magical approach to sending wishes out into the cosmos (or into our own psyches, or both) that involves creating special symbols called sigils. New Moon wishes can easily be created as sigils, but for now I want to point to another, related concept that fits this Venus–Jupiter connection.

Chaos magician Gordon White advocates creating shoals of sigils rather than individual ones. Groups of sigils, swimming together like fish. There are several reasons for this, including giving the cosmos options, making it easier for our grasping minds to let go, and creating a cloud of energy around the wishes.

This is an approach Venus and Jupiter together, both in their own castles, will love, support, and celebrate. Expand your thinking. Create not one wish, or three, but ten. Jupiter loves more, so, do more.

In fact, Venus only recently left her square with Saturn, also immured in his own Capricornian castle. So she moves away from a sense of limitations, some created by past decisions and patterns, to connect with Jupiter’s optimism and generosity.

At this New Moon, we cannot forget the past. On the world stage, its legacies are all too present. We must reckon with conditions created by past decisions and patterns, even if we ourselves did not make those choices, or support them.

At the same time, we are deeply aware of beauty in and all around us.

Some of this awareness has the poignancy appropriate to the autumn season (in the Northern hemisphere) and also emerges from our sense that we live in a time of significant endings. We don’t know to expect.

Mercury opposes Eris, the chaos goddess. We hear strong voices speaking to the impending losses we face if we do not change, significantly and soon. Like Mercury, these are young voices.

There is also beauty in hope. The Jupiter–Neptune square is now past but we still feel its echoes. Perhaps one role of the Venus–Jupiter sextile is to help us articulate what we felt and saw and dreamt during that time. This too can feed our New Moon wishes.

We are in a time of great change. Whether we participate, willingly or not, or ignore it, we feel it anyway.

At this Libra New Moon, we feel where we’re hurting. We can explore this place with all the compassion and balanced thoughtfulness that Libra can bring. We remember our past and can explore that as well.

Then we step into a bright place of warmth and hope to craft our wishes. We make lots of wishes, informed by past learning and infused with optimism and beauty. We step into this dark but fertile New Moon time with hope.

All astrological charts are my own. The images in this post include the title,
adapted from the image of the rainbow by Francesco Ungaro,
and the following images:
wine and book by Aliis Sinisalu,
changing leaves by Chris Lawton,
colors by Markus Spiske

2 Responses

  1. Danielle Currey

    Reading this gave me such a feeling of peace, hope, and gentle comfort. I’m ready for all the hard work of healing myself and growing to move me forward in my work of helping others heal. The sun and moon in my rising sign and Uranus in my sun sign leaves me feeling balanced and cozy. So much Venus energy!

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