Consider a ❊ Year Ahead ❊ reading about a month or two before each birthday. This reading includes an evaluation of your Solar Return and Secondary Progressions, as well as important transits.
Each year, the Sun returns to the exact position it was when you were born: your solar return! This reading offers key themes for the year, beginning about two months before your birthday and then transitioning into the next solar return as your birthday draws close again. This helps you focus on what lies ahead this year.
Secondary Progressions track the natural unfolding of your birth chart. When our progressed planets change sign, or turn retrograde or direct, this can sync with important shifts in our inner and outer lives.
Readings are $100.00. My schedule is variable and flexible. I begin scheduling readings at 10:00 am Eastern. The latest I can begin is 8:00 pm Eastern, although I can adjust for especially distant time zones.
I would love to work with you. Feel free to email me for more information, or to arrange your reading, or simply use the form below.