New Moon in Leo: Light the Beacons

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Wherever you are, this New Moon offers a set of interlocking puzzles for us to explore. When we find the key, we’ll feel the warmth of the Sun, Moon and Mercury within the creative passion of Leo.

Full Moon in Aquarius: Crystallize

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This Full Moon connects the creative passion of Leo with the cerebral clarity of Aquarius, along with a square from revolutionary Uranus. The changes we made during the Venus retrograde and the explorations we pursued during this waxing cycle come … Continued

New Moon in Cancer: Rebirth

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This New Moon, landing as it does at the end of Cancer, the Moon’s home sign, is pregnant with possibility. We have the opportunity now to make good on our promises–to ourselves, to those we care about, to the world.

The Waning Moon Cycle of July 2020

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We’ve made it through the summer eclipse season and have a lot to process and understand. We’ll be working on this during the waning cycle as we journey toward our second New Moon in Cancer.