The Waning Moon Cycle of June 2020
We’re now inside eclipse season, finding our voices, learning more about who we are in the world, on the way to a powerful solar eclipse.
We’re now inside eclipse season, finding our voices, learning more about who we are in the world, on the way to a powerful solar eclipse.
This eclipse Full Moon in mutable signs heralds many transitions, happening at many levels. There is much to explore.
The lighthearted Gemini energy is offset by the ongoing Venus retrograde in that sign, so that we are alternately upbeat and reflective. We’re also heading into eclipse season, so things continue to feel portentous.
This New Moon in Gemini is a fresh breeze–but also brings in the trickster as we all learn to navigate a new landscape.
Moving from the intense focus of Full Moon in Scorpio toward the optimistic curiosity of a New Moon in Gemini, we begin to reconcile past and future.
The Full Moon in Scorpio arrives tomorrow morning just before dawn, which means it will be most full in the sky tonight.This is a magical Full Moon.
We are moving from the earth-based, sensory New Moon in Taurus toward the hidden realms of a Full Moon in Scorpio. There are shifts and surprises along the way.
Even as we navigate this new landscape in the context of our own cultures and political systems, we are all in this together. And we don’t know what will happen.
This time of year, from the Libra Full Moon to the New Moon in Taurus, is often calm and peaceful. No one will be surprised to hear this year is different.
We greet an amazingly bright Full Moon in Libra highlighting the boundaries between self and other.