The Waxing Moon Cycle of March into April 2020
We began with the bursting energy of an Aries New Moon. Now we will explore our internal spaces as we move through the first six signs of the zodiac.
We began with the bursting energy of an Aries New Moon. Now we will explore our internal spaces as we move through the first six signs of the zodiac.
The Aries New Moon invites us to face whatever challenges come our way with courage and determination.
As always at a Full Moon, we’re at a point of illumination. We have the chance to see something that has been hidden in the Piscean mists.
During this cycle, we experience the ancient mythic motif of Fire in Water as we move from the depths of the waters toward the Aries equinox.
Sunday morning, the New Moon in Pisces arrives. Pisces is mutable Water, the last sign of the zodiac, the place from which all we have gathered is dispersed, the place where we let it all go before we begin anew.
We’re moving from the brightness of the Leo Full Moon into the shadowy mysteries of New Moon in Pisces with Mercury retrograde. A significant shift in energy.
Leo, sign of fixed Fire, loves the spotlight. Tonight’s Full Moon in Leo has definitely taken center stage.
We entered the Lunar New Year at the Aquarius New Moon, which opened new vistas. We’re on a journey to the Full Moon in Leo with adventures on the way.
This New Moon brings fresh air into a landscape heavy with earth.
We have passed the intense Full Moon eclipse and all that came with it, and on our way toward a New Moon in Aquarius. New beginnings are ahead.