New Moon in Libra: Focus
This New Moon in Libra will not be the calm, charming time we expect. We’ll need to pay attention.
This New Moon in Libra will not be the calm, charming time we expect. We’ll need to pay attention.
Tonight’s Full Moon is magical, immersed in deep waters of the cosmos, of art, mystery, Spirit, and Faerie. This is the Full Moon in Pisces.
This New Moon carries the simplicity of Virgo into a complex set of patterns. We explore the issue of trust.
This Full Moon is intense. With support from Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, we can consider tough questions. The answers could be wild.
At this New Moon, we’re invited to explore our creative side with an eye to supporting our integrity in the world.
Tonight’s Full Moon in Aquarius is the first of two, bringing us the opening messages of a longer process of finding our place.
Tonight’s New Moon invites us to check in. How are we doing? How can we support ourselves and our circles?
This Full Moon in Capricorn brings us an abundance of Earth and Water. How do we care for ourselves as physically incarnate beings? How do we care for others?
This Gemini New Moon eclipse invites us to pay attention in open, curious, relaxed ways. There’s a lot to see here!
Eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius might want to move quickly, but Mercury and Saturn urge caution and care. It’s time for careful steps.