Sextile Moon & Mercury Station: Seek Truth

posted in: Virgo | 2

July 7 opens with a sextile between the Cancer Sun and Virgo Moon. This marks a moment of clarity between the Crescent and First Quarter.

The day closes with Mercury stationing retrograde, a time when he journeys back to the Sun to be reborn.

This Virgo Moon connects. She sextiles the Sun and North Node––trines Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node––squares Jupiter––opposes Neptune.

Carefully, with Virgoan precision, she shifts through all the messages, winnows out the essentials, and communicates those.

What do we most need to know? If we listen, the Virgo Moon will tell us.

The Mercury station is far more dramatic. This Leo Mercury is conjunct Mars, trine Chiron, and square Uranus. Mars wants dramatic action. Chiron is fierce in seeking healing, Uranus calls for deep change.

What are we carrying into this contemplative retrograde?

Our healing relies on telling the truth, testifying openly and honestly. Leo wants, needs, to speak out. Changing our lives and our future depends on this.

And we are our first audience. Before standing up in public, we must first speak truth to ourselves. Even when it hurts. Especially when it hurts.

Mercury will reach the Sun on July 21 at the end of Cancer. This moment of illumination will happen in the sign of hearth, home, and the heart..

The more courageous we are in exploring our truth, the more powerful our illumination can be. Pay attention to the seeds the Virgo Moon offers today. These are the clues we need to begin.

Photo by @plqml

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