Today’s Last Quarter Moon marks the transition from sharing what we gained at the Full Moon to releasing what’s ready to go, in preparation for the New Moon to come.
It’s an interesting and quite probably challenging square: The peaceful, slow, steady Taurus Sun is with edgy, speedy Uranus (who, yes, is in Taurus but can’t change his essential nature).
The Moon is in Aquarius, Uranus’ home place! So, our emotions are cool, intellectual, driven by high ideals–and also ruthless.
Also in the frame are Venus and Chiron, close together in Aries. They embody the desire for speed and the damage done by acting too quickly.
Change is in the air. How will it happen?
Resist the urge to get it all done fast. Babies could go out with bathwater that way.
Instead, shift the speediness into determination. Yes, change, but not instantly.
Honor natural processes. Transitions take as long as they take. Pushing does not make it better.