The Libra Equinox: Delicate Balance

The solstices and equinoxes have been observed since ancient times. More than that, they’ve been anticipated and marked with ritual. Temples, pyramids, and stone circles were built to honor these moments.

Tomorrow morning, the Sun enters Libra and we celebrate the equinox, the transition into autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and the shift into spring in the South.

This year’s equinox falls between two eclipses, creating an especially liminal space.

This means that manifestation work is not recommended. On the other hand, divination (including paying attention to dreams) is likely to be powerful.

The Sun at 00º00’ Libra crosses into the second half of the zodiac. The signs of the zodiac are increasingly concerned with how we relate to other people and to the world, until we reach Pisces, where the entire cosmos is present.

Take time tomorrow to experience the in-between space of this equinox within eclipse season.

The Sun is close to the South Node of the Moon, a place of letting go. What are we releasing as autumn approaches?

The Moon in Gemini trines the Sun. This Moon is also out of bounds, suggesting our minds will be racing and attention spans short.

Mercury, ruler of Gemini, is under the beams of the Sun moving toward their cazimi. Ideas may come quickly, but clarity is going to be tough to find.

Venus tightly square Pluto. Our relationships to others, our creative impulses, and society are challenged by deep material from the unconscious.

Mars moves to trine Saturn, while also parallel Jupiter. Action and structure work together, while Jupiter adds enthusiasm to Mars. Yet the presence of depth and shadow remain: Mars and Jupiter are both contraparallel Pluto.

This equinox is poised between two halves of the year as well as two eclipses. The aspects emphasize depth and shadow, a sense of the gravity of these times.

Yet these hinges of the year are also reassuring. The Sun rises higher and then declines in the sky each year, as it has since we first began watching the skies. Whatever changes come and go in our lives, the Sun continues. The world continues.

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