Waning Sextile Moon in Aries: Light It Up!

posted in: Aries, Waning Sextile | 0

Overnight tonight, the Sun and Moon connect in an energized sextile as the Moon enters Aries.

This Moon brings the Sun all the fire she’s collected since entering the cardinal Fire sign to conjunct Mars and Jupiter. This Moon is lit!

Here we make good on everything that was promised since we entered the Last Quarter. Mercury has had their cazimi and Mars entered Aries.

This is not your dreamy Pisces landscape any more.

Mercury, retrograde in late Taurus, keeps us tethered to the wordless spaces within us. For the rest, we’re ready to strike out in new directions, move into new territory, break new ground.

This is a great time to check in with how Aries energy works with your birth chart.

In the deep currents of Pisces, I loved the creative flow but found myself wandering a bit. There were times I needed to check my phone to be sure what day it was. Inspiring, uplifting, and disorienting.

Pisces rules my 8th House but most of the sign falls in my 7th (Placidus houses). The intense Pisces time brought new mystical experiences and revisiting relationships.

Aries is a more focused and directed energy. For me it can also feel irritating, especially as planets enter, because they oppose my Libra Sun. I can feel pushed to move faster than I prefer.

Aries rules my 9th and much of it falls in my 8th Houses. I’m thinking now about where to go with my new mysticism. And it’s no surprise I’ve just signed up for online courses and had new learning opportunities fall in my lap.

What does the transition from a Pisces focus into an Aries one feel like for you?

Image adapted from Toa Heftiba

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