Waning Sextile Moon in Cancer: We Care

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Within the Last Quarter phase, we reach a sextile between the Sun and Moon that offers deep understanding.

This sextile happens just after the Moon enters her own sign of Cancer. We’ve left the passionate self expression of Leo. Now, the the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Mercury are all in Virgo.

We understand that we are here to care for each other.

We feel a new sense of grounded humility, attention to detail, and dedication to service. Venus has just passed her conjunction with Mars, so our values and actions align in this mutable Earth sign.

The Virgo group squares Chiron in Aries, reminding us of the many wounds in ourselves, others, and the world that cry out for healing. At the moment of this sextile, the Cancer Moon says yes.

This Moon is strong in her commitment to nurturing others. Remember what Sam Gamgee did when he finally reached his home, all enemies vanquished. He had been through so much. Still, he saw that his home needed healing and knew what to do.

Sam shared the magical earth Galadriel had given him, the gift he had carried throughout his long journey. He sprinkled it all over the Shire, creating fertile ground for new growth.

Likewise, at this sextile, we know in our hearts that our gifts are meant to be shared, not hoarded. We can nurture our communities and our world.

Image created from a photo by Adrien Taylor : https://unsplash.com/photos/2b4MrHyPqp0

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