Waning Sextile Moon in Leo: Creative Passion

posted in: Leo, Waxing Sextile | 0

Within the Last Quarter phase, the Sun and Moon meet in sextile, a 60 degree, energized communication. This morning, the Sun in Libra met a Leo Moon, igniting our creative passions.

We’re still in difficult situations, reflected in the Sun opposition to Mars Rx in Aries: Are we focused on community or our own desires? Can we include both?

And then the square from Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn to this Sun–Mars opposition: Old ways of balancing community and individuals are failing. How can we transform them?

Yet the Leo Moon is powerful too, part of a Grand Trine in Fire with Mars and the South Node in Sagittarius, a Grand Trine that is really a Kite pointing at the North Node of the future.

We have a window today to imagine creative solutions to the issues before us, solutions we can pour our hearts into, that honor all people as individuals and members of multiple communities.

Imagine, and then create.

Image adapted from Ricardo Moura

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