Waning Sextile Moon in Libra: Fulcrum

posted in: Libra, Waning Sextile | 0

Within the Last Quarter phase we now approach the waning sextile between Sun and Moon that offers an electrified moment of insight and understanding (if we pay attention).

At this waning sextile, the Moon in Libra speaks eloquently of the importance of balance. Moon sextile the Sun, trine the North Node, and opposite Mars.
Sun conjunct the South node, trine Mars, and opposite the North Node.

This is a mystical rectangle , an aspect pattern Dane Rudhyar saw as an opening to practical mysticism.

We see how reflection (Libra Moon) can balance action (Aries Mars), and past (Sun and South Node) balances the future (North Node). All are tied together, moving as one, creating the reality in which we exist.

Neptune continues to square the Nodes of the Moon, enhancing the mystical feel of this time. This T-square becomes a Mutable Grand Cross if we include the asteroid Vesta, keeper of home and hearth.

Again, the combination of practical, daily concerns (Vesta) and an ever-widening connection to the cosmos (Neptune) creates opportunities for balance on our journey from the past to the future.

On Thursday, we might struggle to find this balance point, or feel like we’re naturally there. Or possibly both, at different times, or in different areas of our lives.

The key insight is to know balance is possible. We can reach our goals without constant struggle if we find the right balance point. Once we have that, anything is possible.

Image adapted from Javardh

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