Waning Sextile Moon in Libra: State Change

posted in: Libra, Waning Sextile | 0

Saturday morning, early, the waning Moon sextiles the Sun. Each is in the final 29th degree, which brings intensity to this moment of insight.

We are poised on the edge of change.

Picture the Fool card in the Tarot, sunny and confident as only Sagittarius can be, one foot over the void.

Will the Libra Moon call for a moment of calm reflection? Or go along with whatever the Sun wants to do?

I think we pause. This Libra Moon is ruled by Venus who, @ 01 Aquarius, definitely wants to know the plan. Aquarius can be eccentric but is guided by vision, supported by principles.

Several things are about to happen.

As soon as the Moon steps into Scorpio, they will square Venus and oppose Uranus, a T-square highlighting the Venus–Uranus square. A Moon newly in Scorpio will look for what is beneath the surface.

With modern rulerships, Venus in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus are in mutual reception––residing, for now, in each other’s homes.

What looks like a challenge is instead a lively but friendly exchange. Venus supports Uranian change. Uranus is ready to move slowly enough to keep Venus comfortable.

Today’s shifts encompass more than a change of signs. Late in the day, the Sun enters Capricorn to reach the Solstice. The Sun dances in the sky before changing their course, slowly bringing more light to the northern hemisphere.

Adding to the weight of Capricorn, the Sun conjuncts Jupiter and the South Node. The force of tradition is strong, although Venus and Uranus may have plans for that.

The sextile focuses our attention on the present moment.

No more looking over our shoulders at the past. No more anxiety about a far future. Where are we right now? Where will our next step take us?

Things are shifting around us. Take a moment to see where you are.

Image created from a photo by Shot by Cerqueira:

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