Waning Trine Moon in Aquarius: Reform

posted in: Aquarius, Waning Trine | 0

In about six hours, we reach the waning trine. Trines are easy flows of connection, so easy to miss. Unless we look, we can miss it.

Mercury is retrograde now so reflection is a thing, a goal, a way to work. What are we invited to reflect on?

Did you dive into the idea of creation, grappling actively with whatever’s going on? What happened? This is what we’re examining.

The cerebral Aquarian Moon applies to conjunct Saturn. Both trine the Sun and North Node. We might feel a need to slow down. Gemini’s bright curiosity wants to add … this and this and this and this and … omg, and that too, I want that too. Both/and is great for improv but gets exhausting as a way to live.

But the Uranus square is in play. Are we choosing the status quo because we’re overwhelmed? Are we really ok with that?

We see Pluto and Neptune aspecting Venus, Mercury, and Mars. We’re in a time of necessary, deep change. The status quo is killing us.

I’m an educator. A standard way to innovate is to add a course in the new thing. The new courses are add-ons, not integrated, often optional. This exposes some students to new content but doesn’t integrate it into the rest of the curriculum. They’re easy to cut when there’s tension or no budget.

There’s a controversy now about critical race theory. It’s been isolated and made a target. Is it needed? You bet. But beyond being addressed on its own terms, it needs to be integrated into the whole in a way that makes lopping it off unthinkable. This is not an easy or overnight process.

So how have you been Gemini-ing? What have you added on to try to make things better? How’s that working?

Maybe some things aren’t worth keeping and that’s fine. For those that are, what is their place within the whole? How can you create that?

How do you create lasting reform within yourself?

Image adapted from Tamanna Rumee

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