Tonight we reach a moment of insight within the Disseminating phase: The Moon will trine the Sun, late Capricorn to late Taurus.
We’re reaching the end of Taurus season. With Uranus in Taurus, this year’s time in the sign of Fixed Earth was not the calm, peaceful flowering of spring we usually celebrate. There has been much to learn and adapt to.
The Moon is conjunct Pluto and Jupiter, which means they form a triumvirate trine to the Sun. We are reminded we’re all part of the grand sweep of history, one way or another. Our lives reflect the times we live through.
What is worth carrying forward? What is not?
Mercury enters Gemini today (@ 5:58 pm EDT), his own daytime sign, where he is bright and active. Here, he represents the future, acting as herald for the Sun. He trines Saturn, who stands squarely for the past, in his own daytime sign of Aquarius.
Perhaps these two can bring us news.
But neither is in the best condition to do so. Mercury is still under the beams, hidden by the Sun’s brilliance. Saturn stationed retrograde just after midnight, in the first minutes of the day. They are communicating, but each keeps his own counsel for now. We must wait.
Mars trines the North Node, late Aquarius to late Gemini. Perhaps the fixed qualities of Aquarius can steady the giddiness of Gemini, but this too dampens our enthusiasm a bit.
For today, we ponder. What are the legacies of the past? Our individual and family past. Our societal and cultural past.
Arundhati Roy calls this pandemic a portal:
“We can choose to walk through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our avarice, our data banks and dead ideas, our dead rivers and smoky skies behind us. Or we can walk through lightly, with little luggage, ready to imagine another world. And ready to fight for it.”
Image by Joanna Kosinski