Waning Trine Moon in Sagittarius: Theories of Chaos

posted in: Sagittarius, Waning Trine | 0

Sagittarius tends toward optimism. This is a worthy attribute–when we can feel positive and optimistic, studies show we’re more likely to succeed. We need those good feelings.

This morning, right about dawn in my Eastern time zone, the positive Sag Moon formed the waning trine to the Sun conjunct Eris in Aries. We might say we got a clear view of how much is actually on fire. It’s a lot.

We know the world is changing. The Sun/Eris conjunction moves to square Pluto. Mercury separates from a sextile with Saturn. As I write this, the Moon is reaching the end of Sagittarius and conjunct the South Node of the Moon.

We see what is broken. We see how formidable the forces that seek to maintain the past at all costs truly are.

And yet the Sag Moon will not be held down. This is the sign of the philosopher, the sage, the wisdom teacher. There is no interest here in counsels of despair. Instead, we dive into the mess.

Things are chaotic. Things are wild and feel out of control. And we know that chaos has its own patterns, its own structures, its own possibilities.

We don’t know all we need to know. This waning trine is showing us a glimpse of possibilities, visions of what could be. Why not?

Image by Lanju Fotografie

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