Overnight, we reach the waning trine, a harmonious connection between the Sun and Moon. Virgo linked to Capricorn combines a careful focus on detail with determination and stamina.
Because of the tightly linked pileup in Capricorn, this late Virgo Moon trines them all: Pluto, Saturn, Ceres, Sun, and Mercury.
This is not a light-hearted group and yet we need not slip into depression. The insight this waning Moon offers us is about staying present, getting grounded, and not giving way to emotions that drain away our strength.
This is a Moon when the Stoics bring forward their precepts and remind us that self control is the best, and possibly only, path to a satisfying life.
According to their teachings, we must accept each present moment as it is. We must learn not to give way to pain, desire, or any strong emotion. And we must treat others fairly and with compassion.
Yes, the Stoics were pragmatists but neither cynical nor greedy. They didn’t care what someone said, but what they did, to judge character.
This is one path to surviving and thriving in this crazy world. It also offers healing. Part of the stoic path involves acceptance of what cannot be changed, leads to inner peace.
Am I a stoic myself? No, not really. Yet I’ve had my share of pain and learned to live through most of it. I think whether the full program of the Stoics is a good fit will depend on each of our birth charts.
But this is a Stoic’s Moon. There is good advice here. We can at the least borrow its precepts to find solace as we move through our current challenges.
Image adapted from a photo by Chris Ensey: