Waxing Sextile Moon in Aquarius: Expansive

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At this waxing sextile, the Moon swings around to the end of Aquarius. She’s reaching back to the Sun to say, “Hey, things look good from here. I can see much farther. There’s lots of light!”

Jupiter moves into Aquarius four hours after the Sun–Moon sextile, at 8:07 am. Now the Great Benefic, the big good thing, is also out from under the heaviness of this year’s Capricorn slog.

Mercury will reach their cazimi, sitting on the throne of the Sun, at 10:25 pm. This moment of illumination also brings great light, clear thought, and inspiration.

Venus in Sagittarius trines Chiron newly direct in Aries. Even healing looks possible.

Our individual and shared traumas are deep. I in no way minimize the work ahead of us as we move into an uncertain future. Still, we need hope to fuel the journey. We need vision, something to reach for.

Neptune slowly, slowly moves toward her exact square with the Nodes of the Moon. There is still confusion and doubt about our path.

Yet in the presence of these other aspects, we feel Neptune’s magic. Many things are possible when we let in creative imagination.

Saturday is Saturn’s Day. We’re reminded of our responsibilities. And. And. We also see what is possible as our views, our thoughts, our hearts all expand.

Image adapted from Ronald Cuyan

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