Waxing Sextile Moon in Pisces: Alchemy

posted in: Pisces, Waxing Sextile | 0

As the Moon reaches the end of Pisces, after meeting Neptune, squaring the Nodes of the Moon, and sextiling Pluto, she will sextile the Sun.

This waxing sextile within the Crescent phase is a moment of insight, a spark of illumination on our journey toward the Full Moon. What have we learned so far?

We began this journey with the Sun, the Moon, and Pluto. We cannot forget we’re in a time of deep transformation both in the world and within ourselves. The path from this particular New Moon to the Full Moon in Leo is filled with challenge and opportunity, and in times like these, we need to discern carefully which is which.

The end of Capricorn is the place of kings and queens, directors and leaders. But this decan supports those who seek positions they’re entitled to or prepared for. This is not a place for overreach, for demands, or for taking the easy road.

We’ve had two and a half days of a Moon filled with magic and enchantment and also some confusion and anxiety. We’re about to step through a series of changes.

Earlier today, Jupiter squared Uranus, expansion and change, a revolutionary wind that can shake the ground.

Soon, the Moon will enter Aries, the fire of new beginning. In a few days, the Sun enters Aquarius, a stately step into the formality of fixed Air.

A window of time opens. Where are we? What is our place? What power and influence do we have that is rightfully ours? How can we use it for our benefit and for the world’s? We need fresh ideas. We need new ways of living together in this world.

It’s time to find our power.

Image adapted from Laith Abushaar

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