Waxing Trine Moon in Aries: Inner Fire

posted in: Aries, Waxing Trine | 0

Tomorrow, December 13, is a day of shifts.

The element of Fire continues to be the focus, bringing motivation, drive, and commitment Yet for most of us, this focus will be on internal landscapes rather than the outside world.

What gets your engines going? What stokes your heart fire? What lights you up? We’ll take a look at how we work with Fire

This is the day of the waxing trine between the Sun and Moon, both in late Fire signs. We’re still within the First Quarter phase, actively exploring how to reach our goals.

Before dawn, Mars leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius. This Mars is less powerful but more upbeat, and ready to move. But Mars’ first aspect will be a conjunction with the South Node of the Moon. We’ll look into the past, consider our spiritual needs and desires, and perhaps feel ready to let things go.

Sometimes we need to clear the decks.

The Moon in late Aries is conjunct the asteroid Eris. We may feel acutely aware of global issues, again calling us to check in with ourselves. Are we doing what we can to help?

Venus remains tightly conjunct Pluto as she prepares to station retrograde. Our relationships, values, and finances are under review. Deep questioning and transformation will be on offer in the weeks ahead.

The Saturn–Uranus square is tightening for the third and final exact square. Are you a traditionalist? A radical? Both, but in different ways or areas of life? This square wants us to take sides.

At the moment of the Sun–Moon trine, Mercury is out of bounds in the final degree of Sagittarius. Before the end of the day, Mercury shifts into Capricorn, getting creative with the transition into sober, pragmatic Capricorn.

We’re looking for a balance between being festive and realistic, celebrating all we have while assessing risks in the time ahead. With four of the five inner planets in Fire signs, we can connect to light and the energy to dive into whatever needs to be done.

Image adapted from Paul Bulai

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