Waxing Trine Moon in Cancer: Resonant

posted in: Cancer, Waning Trine | 0

Today we’re in the realm of water. Here waves roll through great distances to create complex patterns.

The Moon in Cancer loves to focus on those near and dear, keeping the family safe. The Sun in Pisces embraces all that can be included, All That Is.

The trine between them is an easy, flowing connection, one we might miss if we’re not paying attention.

Perhaps the cosmos feels like home. Perhaps home is illuminated by stars.

Between these two is Uranus. This is the trickster, ready to turn the world upside down to create something more authentic. He connects to the Sun and Moon with sextiles, a more energized connection than the trine.

More alive. More vibrant. Less comfortable.

We live in a time of great change. We feel it in the air. We feel it in the water. May the Holy Fool raise sails for us, transforming our home into a ship ready to sail through cosmic clouds.

Mercury is direct now but has barely moved. Soon they will travel back through the Aquarian territory uncovered during the retrograde.

We are invited to bid farewell to whatever we’ve let go of during this time. Aquarius keeps ours eyes on the future. We’ve seen how some of who we were no longer fits.

In Air, resonance is about sound. What song do we hear now? How can we find our harmony within it?

Despite the ‘stay at home’ quality a Moon in Cancer can have, this seeking for our thread, our song within the larger chorus, is active. Mars applies to trine Pluto. As spring approaches we are ready to embrace transformation.

Today we flow with the waves of water and air. We catch a wave, ride it. We sing. We try new melodies. We are resonant.

Image adapted from Henry Dick

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